July 24, 2013
July 16th, tuesday, we had an amazing transfer meeting and then we went
and saw our investigator who wants to be baptized on his birthday which is the
24th of august.
Thursday i was able to talk to a whole lot of people.
Friday i went on a zone leader exchange with a zone leader who is
leaving this transfer. We were in Runcorn when we got the transfer call and i
am staying in Colwyn Bay with elder Leiva.
Saturday elder Leiva found a sidebag in a closet and didnt want it so i
got to keep it so now i have a sidebag.
Sunday our investigator came to church!
It was amazing and he loves church and we love seeing him there.
Monday, we didnt have pday because of transfers this week... elder
adair the zone leader is going home... well his parents are coming here first
and then traveling around with him first and then going back to the states with
him. We had a service project and then ran over to a members house so elder
Leiva could order his side bag from amazon and when we arrived at the flat as
we were getting of the bus i happened to look up and there were two girls
sitting in the back of the bus and they started waving at me which was funny
because i was still in my service clothes.
We also found out that there will be a full mission conference on the
8th of August and there will be 4 General Authorities one of which being Elder
We went to Abergele to try to find previous potential investigators
from like 2011. i bought something for olivia for her birthday but i havent
sent it yet and i got something for both you and dad.
***(Elder Butterfield's response to my
question about if there was any advice he would give to future missionaries): study preach my gospel, read the BoM,
fellowship with the missionaries