Monday, August 19, 2013

August 19, 2013

August 19, 2013,

Tuesday we went on exchanges with the zone leaders and i ended up going to Northwich and the mission car needed to be repaired so we took it to the repair place and they gave us a courtesy car which was manuel and Elder M was very rusty on driving a stick shift. 
Wednesday we exchanged back and i had to ride a train again. 
Thursday we had to knock some doors and we had a very interesting conversation with an old man who kept trying to argue with us.  But his only argument was to keep bringing up the starving children in Africa and asking us why we were here and not there helping those children. 
Friday we had a day full of appointments and finding and we also helped a recent convert move two sofas up the stairs to his flat. 
Saturday we were going to go contact a referral and when we got to the bus stop we realized we wouldnt have enough time to get there and back so we went back to the flat and grabbed our raincoats because it had started raining which was lucky for us because we then realized that our bus passes had expired and we needed to buy new ones. 
Sunday our investigator who was supposed to get baptized next week relapsed.  On our way back to our flat that evening i reached for the handle to hold on when the bus started moving but i missed and ended up flying backwards haha.

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