Tuesday, August 27, 2013

August 27, 2013

August 27, 2013,
Tuesday we had a church history tour which was amazing.
Wednesday i was on an exchange with an elder from porthmadog and we contacted a referral and then we couldn’t catch a bus so we had to walk for 30 minutes to get to our next appointment.

Thursday we planned for week 5... we find out if one of us is getting transferred this saturday so p-day will be either wednesday or thursday next week.

Friday we went and saw two members because an appointment fell through.
Saturday we had a service project and then found out that the elders in Gaerwen were coming to stay with us because their flat has so much mold that it was making them sick, then we went to Rhyl and gave all 4 sister missionaries a blessing.
Sunday President Preston came to church in Colwyn bay which was kind of embarrassing because i had just noticed a tear in my trousers.

Monday a member took us somewhere and we walked along a trail. (the first picture on the rock is Elder Leiva, the second picture is Elder Butterfield)

***Side Note: When showing these pictures to some of Mikey's friends today, several asked why he wasn't wearing "missionary clothes" in some of the pictures. So....for those of you who aren't familiar with missionary life...One day a week (usually on Monday), missionaries get to spend a good portion of the day (usually until about 5:oo pm) cleaning their apartment, grocery shopping, doing laundry, and doing recreational activities.  That is why Elder Butterfield and Elder Leiva are in normal clothes in some of these pictures.

Oh, and sorry about the crazy layout of this post, but I am unable to move the pictures.  I will try again later.




Monday, August 19, 2013

August 19, 2013

August 19, 2013,

Tuesday we went on exchanges with the zone leaders and i ended up going to Northwich and the mission car needed to be repaired so we took it to the repair place and they gave us a courtesy car which was manuel and Elder M was very rusty on driving a stick shift. 
Wednesday we exchanged back and i had to ride a train again. 
Thursday we had to knock some doors and we had a very interesting conversation with an old man who kept trying to argue with us.  But his only argument was to keep bringing up the starving children in Africa and asking us why we were here and not there helping those children. 
Friday we had a day full of appointments and finding and we also helped a recent convert move two sofas up the stairs to his flat. 
Saturday we were going to go contact a referral and when we got to the bus stop we realized we wouldnt have enough time to get there and back so we went back to the flat and grabbed our raincoats because it had started raining which was lucky for us because we then realized that our bus passes had expired and we needed to buy new ones. 
Sunday our investigator who was supposed to get baptized next week relapsed.  On our way back to our flat that evening i reached for the handle to hold on when the bus started moving but i missed and ended up flying backwards haha.

Monday, August 12, 2013

August 12, 2013

August 12, 2013

Monday a member took us to Sondonia National Park and we went and saw an old copper mill because it was Elder Leiva's birthday. 
Bridge they had to cross
Tuesday we had a zone meeting and afterwards we had our exchange with the Porthmadog elders.  We went to Abergele to contact potentials.   
Wednesday Elder De Ligne and I went and met with an investigator who had disappeared for a while and then contacted us out of the blue.   
Thursday we had a Full Mission Conference and Eder Nelson and Elder Holland spoke to us!!!   
Friday we took an investigator to the British Pageant along with 2 members. Elder leiva and I almost didnt get to watch it because there were no seats left  so we had gone outside and a couple of seconds later someone came out saying that there were 12 seats left so elder leiva and i went in and the seats were right in front of Elder Nelson and Elder Holland!!!!! so we got to sit next to 2 apostles!! 
I was so tired on saturday.   

Sunday elder leiva and i had to give talks. I went first and my mind completely blanked and i ended up only giving a 5 minute talk so elder leiva had to give a 20 minute talk.

Monday, August 5, 2013

August 5, 2013

The british pageant was a very spiritual experience and a lot of nonmembers said so as well.  My favorite parts of my mission so far are exchanges and contacting potential investigators, the most challenging thing is waking up at 6:30 

LDS BRITISH PAGEANT 2013---Pictures of the pageant can be found on the "British Pageant 2013" Facebook page
Elder Leiva became the new district leader. 

This week we went to see some new investigators to try to set up an appointment and when we left we  had to walk past a bunch of drunk teenagers one of which started yelling crude things into Elder Leiva's ear and was right next to his face.

Saturday we had to go to a district leader meeting and we had to travel by bus for an hour and it was a double decker bus. After the meeting we went back to Colwyn bay and went to the British pageant with the branch on a bus and when we arrived there were some protesters outside. Our investigator wasn't able to go due to health problems but we are going to try to get him there this Friday.  We didn't arrive back at our flat till midnight.