Wednesday, July 24, 2013

July 24, 2013

July 24, 2013


July 16th, tuesday, we had an amazing transfer meeting and then we went and saw our investigator who wants to be baptized on his birthday which is the 24th of august.

Wednesday we went to the first 5 weeks training and i got to see everyone who went to the mtc with me.

Thursday i was able to talk to a whole lot of people.

Friday i went on a zone leader exchange with a zone leader who is leaving this transfer. We were in Runcorn when we got the transfer call and i am staying in Colwyn Bay with elder Leiva.

Saturday elder Leiva found a sidebag in a closet and didnt want it so i got to keep it so now i have a sidebag.

Sunday our investigator came to church!  It was amazing and he loves church and we love seeing him there.

Monday, we didnt have pday because of transfers this week... elder adair the zone leader is going home... well his parents are coming here first and then traveling around with him first and then going back to the states with him. We had a service project and then ran over to a members house so elder Leiva could order his side bag from amazon and when we arrived at the flat as we were getting of the bus i happened to look up and there were two girls sitting in the back of the bus and they started waving at me which was funny because i was still in my service clothes. 
We also found out that there will be a full mission conference on the 8th of August and there will be 4 General Authorities one of which being Elder Holland!

We went to Abergele to try to find previous potential investigators from like 2011.      i bought something for olivia for her birthday but i havent sent it yet and i got something for both you and dad.


***(Elder Butterfield's response to my question about if there was any advice he would give to future missionaries):  study preach my gospel, read the BoM, fellowship with the missionaries

Monday, July 15, 2013

July 15, 2013

July 15, 2013

Well first off the ranch here doesn't compare to the hidden valley ranch in the US so i wouldn't mind if you sent some hidden valley ranch. haha  (Side note:  I asked  Mike if there was anything he missed from the US)
The FHE went pretty well, we talked about how to have a successful FHE with teenagers.
Tuesday we had a zone meeting and then we had exchanges with the district leader and his companion and we blitzed Colwyn Bay for two days.
Wednesday we had a service project that went from 10:30 am to 2:30 pm, for the service project we carried the first bag of dirt, weighing at least 200 lbs and needing all four of us to carry it, at least a mile to the dump station.  Then the next five we had a wheelbarrow but we still needed all four of us just to lift it into the rubbish bin.  When we were done we went back to the flat and the district leaders companion and i went to see a less-active member and the less-active member asked his care-taker to join in on the lesson and she seemed interested, accepted a copy of the Book of Mormon and a card with mine and Elder Leiva's phone number on it.
Thursday the district leader and his companion left and then we had weekly planning, then we went to our dinner appointment and afterwards went to see an investigator who said that he was definately coming to church on Sunday.
Friday, I've been trying to organize our area book and had made a list of people from the potential investigator lists all of which are from 2011 and we went to see if any are still interested, then we went to our dinner appointment.
Saturday we helped a recent convert move.

Oh yeah and as far as the investigator class goes use the Preach My Gospel and study it, and teach people not lessons... its more effective to answer the questions or concerns of the investigators because if you just teach a lesson they will still have that question or concern and everything you just taught them wont be as effective

***Side note...I told Mikey I was asked to teach the investigators and asked him for advice. The paragraph above is in response to my request. 

Monday, July 8, 2013

July 8, 2013

July 8, 2013

Tuesday we had a district meeting which was pretty fun because at the end we played ninja.  Then, we stopped by to see an investigator and were hoping that he would come to church on Sunday.  Then we had a dinner appointment with the branch president who is a police officer and his police car is an Audi.

Wednesday i realized that i was getting fat!

I have made a list of people in the area book who were close by and we’ve gone door to door trying to find some new investigators.  By the way the most effective way for missionaries to find new investigators is by member referrals so have the family start inviting their friends to have dinner with them and the missionaries.  

Thursday we had a dinner appointment with some members that try to feed me like my stomach is a black hole when it really isn’t.

Friday we had a lunch appointment with a less-active, part-member family and set up an appointment on monday to hold a FHE with them to try to get them into the habit of holding FHE every week.  After, we had a dinner appointment with a member who just recently lost here mother.

Saturday we had a service project from 10:30 am to 1:00 pm.

Sunday, we  had to drop three investigators including the investigator that we had dated for baptism.

Tomorrow we have a zone meeting, Wednesday we have exchanges with the district leaders, and on Thursday we have exchanges with the zone leaders.

Monday, July 1, 2013

July 1, 2013

Coconut Water!
Tuesday we went to the Temple and didn't get back till late because on the way back we stopped to get something to eat. 

Wednesday all of the appointments we had fell through except for our dinner appointment.

Thursday it rained all day so we visited an investigator and then we went to our dinner appointment and had fish and chips (french fries). 

Friday it rained all day, and I started calling people in the area book to see if I could find anyone who was still interested in hearing our message, but no one really was. 

You will never believe what happened when we were walking to the bus stop on the way back from seeing a less active family...... MY UMBRELLA BROKE!!!  It was raining pretty hard and I was using my umbrella and it started getting very windy so I tried to shut my umbrella and when I did it broke. 

Saturday I realized that I have been here for a month! We went and saw some less actives, one of which hasn't been coming to church for at least 10 years and we stopped by a former investigator who we had talked to and cleared some things up, but she is going away on holiday and told us to try back in September.

Sunday the less active member who hasn't been to church for at least 10 years came to church.
We don't know what is happening with Adam. Gary said he was going to be there, but wasn't able to make it. He texted us later saying that he was dizzy. On another note, students from BYU Provo participating in the study abroad program were at our church as well and we filled up the chapel.